Why is Cancer So Hard to Treat? A Journey from Then to Now

Recently I came across a video on YouTube titled 'Why is it so hard to cure cancer?'(which will be linked below) and I immediately thought of the number of people who would be interested in a similar question, wanting to know "so what has been happening in the scientific world to cure cancer?' That's how I landed with my second post on this blog. Hope this gives some insight and answers the above questions, though not in very much detail but definitely gives an overview. 

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Beyond the Bedside : The New Era of Patient Engagement

What better way to improve patient outcomes than to include them in every step of the treatment process?  Interesting question, right? Well, I have very much fallen in love with the concept of 'patient engagement' in clinical research. You read that right! Patient Engagement is when patients are included as important stakeholders in the research process, from planning and decision-making to the implementation of treatments and beyond. 

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